
Daddy, Computer Geek, Pizza Dude.

I take my first web design course. I love it. I start working on web pages for the School District of University City.
In 2004, theportmans.name was launched. It gave me a place to put stuff for people to download, a place to keep various lists of things I needed and a way to share pictures of the family. Theportmans.name also became a workshop for me to work on various web projects and experiment with cool additions to the web pages I was creating at work.
In the summer of 2011, theportmans.name outgrew it’s hosting company. I planned on it taking a month to move to a new host, it took four.
Along the way, theportmans.name became theportmans.info.
By 2014 Joomla had gone through several upgrades. Theportmans.info, had not. In order to use several tools, The site once again needed a major overhaul. The newest version allows for new back end tools as well as on the fly changing from screen to tablet to phone views.
Has it only been a year?
I want a mobile friendly, faster loading website. It means getting away from Joomla. This is the result, GetSimple
June 15, 2015 Go Live!

2021 GetSimple stops upgrading and GoDaddy is a fortune. Switch to Concrete5.

2023 I run a simple update. It failed. Go to backup. Primary back up is missing the files needed. Secondary backup. Files to be installed from scratch, like this page.

OK. Create new website. This one on WordPress.

Games Wiki

My gaming recourses


The pizza resources

Computer Tools

Needs updating, but here it is

Flat Blocks theme by XtremelySocial