For Missouri
For other states, Google Durable Power of Attorney and Do not Resuscitate for your state.
I grew up at the time of the Terri Schiavo case. She was in her late 30’s and in a persistent vegetative state. She had not made her end of life care choices known, she was a young woman. Wikipedia Terry Schiavo. This highlighted the importance of DPAs and DNRs. At the time I was leading a somewhat dangerous life. I needed my choices in writing.
All of these forms are written for the average person to fill out and print. The medical language is easy to understand. You do not need a lawyer. You should have your signature notarized.
Your family members or close friends should have a copy. Your primary care provider should have a copy. If you go to a hospital for any reason, they should have a copy.
These are paper forms not stone tablets. You can change your form at any time.
Missouri Bar Association – End of Life Directives
Missouri Bar Association – Durable Power of Attorney/HIPPA Authorization