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Dungeon a Day

The Story

One night I was telling Ben about a Twitter feed Random RPG Generator that gives quick little RPG prompts. This is an example, “Just beyond your light you see a vacant pit run by crawling apes. It's written that the White Flower of All Desires was buried here.“
This led to thinking about a Kickstarter for a 'dungeon a day' calendar. One quick encounter, like ones from the Random RPG Generator, a simple rule set, a simple character, and limited outcomes.

The original plan was a page a day 1/4 page calendar with an adventure from the Random RPG Generator, a set of outcomes that are either player choices or dice decided, and an outcome. Each player would have a score sheet of some sort. Pretty early I decided it would be a single character and that DaD would include a handful of pre-generated characters. Pick one, do limited equipping, and off to the forest or where ever. Dice would be limited to 3d6, maybe 2.

1. “What if the character dies?”
Starting over from that point looks like the obvious point to resume. Along with that, action item: Add encounters with clerics and healing potions.

2. Money. There is some debate about experience for coin or awarding experience points or coin. At this point, I am envisioning a game with limited money. The character will need to buy things, but should a bugbear be running around with 10 gp? Limited coin will be available. Characters can get paid and make transactions. But stealing from dead bodies is bad form.

3. In what universe? This is actually easy. Each page is its own complete adventure. There are various towns where items can be bought or sold, lodging sought, training and rest available.

Concerns - Real World

Random RPG Generator and his companion sites are copyrighted. If this goes further than personal use, rights would need to be hashed out.


  1. January 1 - Create and equip the character. The “set” should include four to six pre-generated characters. Should start in a town and have some supplies and money to make purchases. All of the characters should be around 4th level-ish. [[https://www.risusrpg.com/|Risus
    uses ten dice divided into clichés to create a character. Interactions are decided by the player choosing the cliché and then rolling against the game master. Most clichés have a maximum of 4 dice.
  2. Each month should include a town day. Towns can have different encounters. Towns should be generally good-natured. An evil town could exist.
  3. Each month should include a healer/health potion encounter. It could be possible for the character to purchase a healing potion in a town.
  4. Magic items should be sparse. Perhaps fewer than 15 in the entire year. This is subject to change.

  • dungeon_a_day.1642703813.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 11:36
  • by alan