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home [2020/02/07 07:33] alanhome [2024/02/05 11:06] (current) – [Dungeons & Dragons] alan
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 The [[D&D Saga]] Notes and a summary of our adventure 2012-13.\\ The [[D&D Saga]] Notes and a summary of our adventure 2012-13.\\
 Our [[D&D Next Adventure 2014]].\\ Our [[D&D Next Adventure 2014]].\\
 +[[ChatGPT Castle]]\\
 [[D&D Links]]\\ [[D&D Links]]\\
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 [[Fantasy Miniatures]]\\ [[Fantasy Miniatures]]\\
-[[Old School D&D]] What if you could play the original, created by college students in the snow rules? Without paying collector prices.+[[Old School D&D]] What if you could play the original, created by college students in the snow rules? Without paying collector prices.\\ 
 +Even [[https://boardgamegeek.com/rpgperiodical/2085/strategic-review|Older School D&D]] An archive of the original writings of Gary Gygax's Solo Dungeon Adventures From 1975.
 ---- ----
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 These are the responses.\\ These are the responses.\\
 [[Introductory RPG Games]]\\ [[Introductory RPG Games]]\\
 +[[Easy RPGs]]\\
 ---- ----
 +===== Dungeon a Day ===== 
 +An idea to make a 'page a day' calendar with a D&D like adventure. Each day would have an encounter and a resolution.\\ 
 +[[Dungeon a Day]] 
 +===== Kickstarter Games ===== 
 +There are a bunch of Games on Kickstarter. I have backed a few. Here they are.\\ 
 +[[Kickstarter Games]]
 ===== Cheapass Games ===== ===== Cheapass Games =====
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 === Button Men === === Button Men ===
-I funded (bought, they had already reached their goal) Button Men on [[https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cheapassgames/button-men-beat-people-up|Kickstarter]] from CAG. It looked fun, easy to learn, and wasn't an arm and a leg. It arrived on January 11, 2018. It was quite a bit late, but it looks nice.\\ +[[Button Men]]
-== Resources for Button Men == +
-|Home Page|[[http://cheapass.com/free-games/button-men/]]| +
-|Rule Book from CAG|[[http://cheapass.com//wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Button-Men-Rules.pdf]]| +
-|Rule Book Local Copy|{{ ::button-men-rules.pdf |Rule Book}}| +
-|Free Version|[[http://cheapass.com/free-games/button-men/]]| +
-|Additional Card Sets|[[http://www.drivethrucards.com/browse.php?keywords=button+men&x=0&y=0&author=&artist=&pfrom=&pto=]]| +
-|Button Men Card Creator|[[https://www.drivethrucards.com/builder/buttonmen]]+
-\\ +
-The free version includes print and cut cards. You need multi sided dice. We are going to try it out.+
 \\ \\
 === Free Games from CAG === === Free Games from CAG ===
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 A free (and paid) map generating program. [[http://www.hexographer.com/free-version/]] (requires Java)\\ A free (and paid) map generating program. [[http://www.hexographer.com/free-version/]] (requires Java)\\
 \\ \\
-==== Vis Imperia Victoriana ====+==== Vis Imperia Victoriana /Colin Spears ====
 \\ \\
 One of my cyber friends ([[https://www.facebook.com/auld.curmudgeon|Colin Speirs]] wrote a book and game. Vis Imperia Victoriana, by Britannia Games Design. Alas, BGD seems to have bitten the dust. But Colin's game lives on! [[http://www.victorianadventureenthusiast.com/index/vis-imperia-victoriana-free-rpg/]] as does Chivalry & Sorcery, the game system it is based on. [[https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/96971/Chivalry--Sorcery-Essence]]\\ One of my cyber friends ([[https://www.facebook.com/auld.curmudgeon|Colin Speirs]] wrote a book and game. Vis Imperia Victoriana, by Britannia Games Design. Alas, BGD seems to have bitten the dust. But Colin's game lives on! [[http://www.victorianadventureenthusiast.com/index/vis-imperia-victoriana-free-rpg/]] as does Chivalry & Sorcery, the game system it is based on. [[https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/96971/Chivalry--Sorcery-Essence]]\\
 {{ ::vis-imperia-victoriana.pdf |Vis Imperia Victriana PDF}} My local copy. {{ ::vis-imperia-victoriana.pdf |Vis Imperia Victriana PDF}} My local copy.
 \\ \\
 +New from Colin: [[https://its-them.me.uk/salienthurcheon/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/talesfromanancientempire-1.pdf|Tales from a Romantic Empire]].
 ---- ----
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 ---- ----
 +==== Graph Paper Games ====
 +Not as many as I thought.\\
 +  * [[https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/274219/pencil-swords-rubber-shields-dungeoneering-graph-p?mc_cid=bb7521c74d&mc_eid=0426d26c39|Pencils and Swords]]
 +  * [[https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/159676/no-assembly-required-thematic-pnp-solitaires-dexte]]
 [[Other|House Keeping]]\\ [[Other|House Keeping]]\\
 [[Pi Wallpaper]] [[Pi Wallpaper]]
  • home.1581085997.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/02/07 07:33
  • by alan