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coyote_crow [2022/04/11 16:26] alancoyote_crow [2022/04/11 16:28] (current) alan
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 I love the story of the Cahokians. Around 600 CE, when Mohammed walked the earth and the stories of Jesus were starting to be written, The Cahkians were building a huge city on the Mississippi near what is now St. Louis. By the time the Crusades started, Cahokia was larger than London. But, by the mid 1300's, Cahokia was abandoned leaving its mounds and Woodhenge. [[]].\\ I love the story of the Cahokians. Around 600 CE, when Mohammed walked the earth and the stories of Jesus were starting to be written, The Cahkians were building a huge city on the Mississippi near what is now St. Louis. By the time the Crusades started, Cahokia was larger than London. But, by the mid 1300's, Cahokia was abandoned leaving its mounds and Woodhenge. [[]].\\
 \\ \\
-[[]] On Kickstarter\\ 
-<color #22b14c>Estimated Delivery Date:  March/April 2022.</color>\\ 
 Coyote & Crow is live! The Kickstarter book arrived and is beautiful. Visit [[|]] to get your copy.  Coyote & Crow is live! The Kickstarter book arrived and is beautiful. Visit [[|]] to get your copy. 
  • coyote_crow.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/04/11 16:28
  • by alan