{{::logo.jpg?nolink|}} \\ ====== Computer Self Help Files ====== \\ \\ [[http://theportmans.info|Return to theportmans.info]] \\ **Help!** [[Firefox Wants to Open All of My PDFs]]! Firefox 32 learns an old Microsoft trick and decides to be way too helpful. This is how to undo it. It would be nice if Mozilla/Firefox posted this, but they don't. It would be even nicer if they didn't make this choice for you with out your knowledge or at least tossed in a copy of U2's new album.\\ \\ [[Linux]] There are thousands of Linux pages and resources out there. This is mine.\\ \\ [[Malware and Spyware Tools]] Some are easier to clean than others.\\ \\ [[Removing Real Anti-Virus Programs]]\\ \\ [[Setting up a New Computer]] You bought a new computer, now what?\\ \\ Imaging and Backup\\ \\ I want to play my [[DVD on my Tablet]]\\ \\ [[Computer Tools]] a few very handy utilities.\\ \\ Wow! for this I needed to register at Adobe Forums. To turn off the right hand panel in Adobe Reader click on the word tools. [[https://forums.adobe.com/message/6421114]] scroll past the meaningless rant about it being the wrong forum for this question.\\ \\ Running Applications from an USB Drive a/k/a The pocket computer //and// [[http://www.bmighty.com/blog/main/archives/2009/01/penguin_in_your.html|The Pocket Penguin]] Running Linux from an USB drive. \\ ---- {{::stopsign.png?nolink&50|}} [[Serious Computer Tools]] {{::halloweenskull.png?nolink&50|}}