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Sharing made easier! Most pages have a share on social media button set. Copy & Paste is so 2000s.

Password Tools
A Short Treatise on Ransomeware July 6, 2017
How to Turn Off Cortana
All About Your Facebook Archive
The Zero Dollar Lab Project

Linux There are thousands of Linux pages and resources out there. This is mine.

Help! Firefox Wants to Open All of My PDFs! Firefox 32 learns an old Microsoft trick and decides to be way too helpful. This is how to undo it. It would be nice if Mozilla/Firefox posted this, but they don't. It would be even nicer if they didn't make this choice for you with out your knowledge or at least tossed in a copy of U2's new album.

Why is a $300 Printer Cheaper than a $99 Dollar Printer

Malware and Spyware Tools Some are easier to clean than others.

Removing Real Anti-Virus Programs

Setting up a New Computer You bought a new computer, now what?

I want to play my DVD on my Tablet

Computer Tools a few very handy utilities.

Wow! for this I needed to register at Adobe Forums. To turn off the right hand panel in Adobe Reader click on the word tools. scroll past the meaningless rant about it being the wrong forum for this question.

Running Applications from an USB Drive a/k/a The Pocket Computer and The Pocket Penguin Running Linux from an USB drive.
Wiki on a Stick Running a wiki, like this one from a USB drive.
Website Building

Serious Computer Tools

start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/20 11:59 by